CoastRs Inc Student Association (SCU)

CoastRs Inc is a Southern Cross University Student Association based at Gold Coast/Tweed Campuses

CoastRs is an Incorporated Association whose membership is open to all currently enrolled Southern Cross University students.

CoastRs is run by their committee, made up of student volunteers who all passionately believe that ALL SCU students deserve a quality education regardless of their location or mode of study. Committee members are elected from our members at our annual AGM in July/August of every year.

CoastRs advocate for students rights and needs and serve on numerous University committees and boards.

CoastRs and Coffs SA (our counterparts at the Coffs Harbour Campus) work closely together on activities and advocacy issues for SCU students. CoastRs and Coffs SA operate under a Memorandum of Understanding that formalises our relationship and shared values of the importance of excellence and equity for all SCU students.

CoastRs are a member organisation of the National Union of Students and the Mature Age Student Network of Australia.

Unlike the student association at the Lismore campus, CoastRs committee are UNPAID and serve our fellow students based on our passion about our students' rights to a quality and equitable education.

Unlike the student association at the Lismore campus, our committee members are not affiliated with any political party and NO CoastRs funds are spent on outside commercial or political events.
